Friday, December 22, 2006

Every Day Business

Reading back over my posts, it has been awhile since I posted anything substantial here. I haven't had the emotional energy to sit down with my thoughts and write what I want.

And life is just full of normal kid/family/work stuff.

Tonight during MAJOR grocery shopping for Christmas, BJ says to me as we enter the deli section.

"I told my friends I am adopted."

I responded, sort of distractedly as I was looking for the right kind of lunchmeat, "Oh, did they say ...oh. BJ says - they said "ohh, what did you say?"

"Did you tell them what it means? I bet they don't know what adopted means"

"They know, mom."

It was very brief and like I said, distracted.

I could be just reassuring myself, but I also think this might be good - if there is more she wants to say other than she shared (six months ago she declared she didn't want anyone to know) - then I know she wil bring it up again.

But if that is all she wanted me to know, I think it is good that sometimes when we talk about adoption, we don't have to talk abou how we feel, or have a long drawn out conversation. Sometimes.

In other news, I found out last night that my step brother (who I haven't had direct contact with for some years) has just started the paperwork to adopt a 13 year old boy, who has been a foster child in his home for the last two years. I knew he and his wife were foster parents, but I only heard about the comings and goings of little ones - there are three toddlers now, their are twim infants now, etc. I had no idea they had a long term placement or that they had any intention of pursuing adoption. I don't know anything of my future nephew's story or how he came into foster care or how long he was in foster care before this placement. But I am glad to hear of an older child in foster care finding an adoptive family of his own. My step brother is a really cool guy and I am very happy for him and his wife.


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